Does a car loan build your credit score?

A car loan is a great way to build your credit as long as you’re making your monthly payments on…

8 months ago

Women’s spending habits, statistics and trends for 2023

By 2028, women are projected to own 75 percent of discretionary spending in the United States. Learn more interesting statistics…

8 months ago

Credit score vs. credit report: what’s the difference?

The difference between your credit score vs. credit report lies in the amount of detail each provides, but both are…

8 months ago

Unsecured debt: definition & examples

What is unsecured debt, and why it matters? Learn how it differs from secured debt, the pros and cons of…

8 months ago

Credit card “shimming”: the new skimming

Credit card shimming is a type of skimming that targets cards with a chip, allowing scammers to steal your credit…

8 months ago